The Effects of the Revival of Minimalism on Home Textile Fashion and Minimalist Product Designs

Duygu Küçer

Zorluteks Textile Trade and Industry Inc./ R&D

Gizem Mert

Zorluteks Textile Trade and Industry Inc./ R&D

Rana Korkmaz

Zorluteks Textile Trade and Industry Inc./ R&D


Keywords: Minimalizm, Sanat Akımı, Tasarım, Ev Tekstili, Sürdürülebilir Tasarım, Moda


One of the leading art movements, minimalism emerged in the 1960s and managed to influence numerous art disciplines; initially prominent in architecture, it later found app-lication in sculpture, painting, music, and fashion. The idea that the minimalism move-ment, which has become increasingly prevalent in design and fashion collections in re-cent years, should also be reflected in the home textile has prompted the initiation of this study. In this context, the first part of the study examines minimalism by discussing prominent artists of the movement, followed by an exploration of the relationship between fashion and art, and how the movement is reflected in textile fashion and home textiles. The final assessments and research indicate the need for elaboration of this mo-vement in the home textile sector, which is frequently embraced as a lifestyle and often manifests itself in the fashion industry. This study presents recommendations for the application of the relevant movement to everyday use home textile products.

Throughout the research process, various visual and written sources have been utilized, and a comprehensive literature review on the subject has been conducted. As a result of the study, in the produced home textile products, the aim is to contribute to sustainabi-lity by ensuring a longer lifespan through the quality selection of materials.


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