Examining IoT Applications in the Perspective of Security Technologies in 5G Networks

Yaşar Serdar Fidaner

Nuh Naci Yazgan University


Asuman Savaşçıhabeş

Nuh Naci Yazgan University


DOI: https://doi.org/10.56038/oprd.v5i1.599

Keywords: 5G, network, privacy, security architecture, network slicing, End to End security


While 5G technology revolutionizes the communication infrastructure as the driving force of digital transformation, it also brings security threats. Offering the advantages of high-speed data transmission and low latency, this technology has created new attack surfaces for malicious actors with complex waveforms and wide-band communication channels. Increasing device connections and network complexity reveal the need for stronger security solutions against cyberattacks that threaten the privacy of individuals and institutions. Overall, 5G is also leading to advances in various sectors by improving connectivity and performance. The 5G security architecture offers a variety of advanced concepts and techniques to address the unique challenges posed by this technology. This study examines the basic concepts and protection techniques that are integral to 5G security, as well as the security framework of the technology that addresses the increasing complexity and scale of modern networks and provides a secure and resilient communication environment.


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