Development Of Sustainable Denim Products with Foam Application Technique in Denim Washing Processes
Kağan Irmak
Tayeks Dış Ticaret ve Tekstil Sanayi A.Ş.
Merve Gideroğlu
Tayeks Dış Ticaret ve Tekstil Sanayi A.Ş.
Serkan Yılmaz
Tayeks Dış Ticaret ve Tekstil Sanayi A.Ş.
Keywords: Denim, Foam Application, Effect Creation, Sustainability, Denim Washing
In denim washing processes, there is an increasing trend towards methods with less water, less chemical and less energy consumption in line with the goals of reducing environmental impacts and sustainability. Foam application technique significantly reduces water and energy consumption and minimizes the use of chemicals compared to conventional washing methods. Foam-based applications preserve the aesthetic and textural properties of the denim fabric and greatly limit wastewater generation. In particular, methods using low-density foams allow the desired effects to be achieved without damaging the appearance and durability of the fabric. These innovative techniques are seen as an important tool for the textile industry to achieve its sustainability goals [1-2].
In this study, the possibilities of using foam application technique to reduce the environmental impacts of high water and chemical consumption in conventional denim washing processes were investigated. The possibility of this technique, which makes it possible to obtain similar or superior results with less resource utilization compared to conventional methods in denim washing processes, has been evaluated as an alternative that can be broadened in the sector. Within the scope of the study, the physical performance characteristics of the products before and after washing such as tear strength, tensile strength, elasticity, residual extension, colour fastness to water, colour fastness to perspiration and colour fastness to rubbing were analyzed.
In addition, based on the sustainability perspective, a pathway will be created for the use of this process in industrial scale applications with creative approaches in the development of environmentally friendly denim products.
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