A Practical Usage of Point Spread Function for Industrial Barcode Image Enhancement

Can Ali Gülyurt

Asis Automation and Fueling Systems Inc.


Sümer Erkan Kaya

Asis Automation and Fueling Systems Inc.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.56038/oprd.v5i1.575

Keywords: Hesaplamalı Görüntüleme, Bilgisayarla Görme, Nokta Yayılım Fonksiyonu, Optik Aktarım Fonksiyonu


Barcodes are extensively utilized across industries for a variety of critical and routine applications, ranging from logistics to inventory management. Their widespread use has driven a high demand for barcode-reading devices. Optical barcode readers rely heavily on camera performance and image quality to achieve successful decoding. However, the cost of these cameras can vary significantly based on factors such as lighting conditions, working distance, and exposure time. To reduce costs without the need to upgrade cameras or other hardware, a computational enhancement approach leveraging the Point Spread Function (PSF) has been developed. This method enhances image quality, ensuring effective barcode decoding even under suboptimal conditions, thereby offering a cost-efficient solution for industrial applications.


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