The Evaluation of Recycling Perception in the Plastic Waste Industry

Yunus Emre Arslan

Haliç University

Hande Cavus Arslan

Haliç University


Keywords: Plastic Waste, Recycling, Waste Management, Statistics, SPSS


As the industry develops, plastic consumption continues to increase every year. Today, plastic pollution stands out as an important problem among environmental concerns. Plastic waste creates negative impacts on the environment, both on macro and micro levels, due to their types, size, and resistance to degradation. Recycling is of great importance its contributions to both nature and economy. The main purpose of this study is to determine the waste management, economic efficiency, sustainability and recycling awareness levels of companies operating in the plastic recycling industry using surveys and statistical tools. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with a total of 19 companies and 63 employees working in micro, small, medium and large companies that recycle different types of plastics. The data obtained from the surveys were evaluated using basic statistical methods. There are many studies in the literature that focused on consumers' perception of recycling. However, according to our knowledge, no study has been found on the recycling perception of recycling companies.


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