Performance Analysis of NOMA Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels in 5G Communication

Hayriye Sinop


Mehmet Berke Beyaz

Nuh Naci Yazgan University

Asuman Savaşçıhabeş

Nuh Naci Yazgan University


Keywords: 5G, Non-vertical Multiple Access, NOMA


This paper aims to analyse the performance of Non-vertical Multiple Access (NOMA) systems operating in radio communication systems, especially under Rayleigh fading channels. While NOMA technology improves spectrum efficiency by allowing users to share the same time and frequency resource, Rayleigh fading channels represent multipath propagation effects commonly encountered in real radio environments. In this research, the effects of different user power levels and channel conditions on performance metrics such as system capacity, error rate (BER) and energy efficiency are investigated. Using mathematical modelling and simulation methods, the performance advantages and limitations of NOMA under Rayleigh fading conditions are evaluated. The findings show that NOMA systems offer significant advantages in terms of spectrum efficiency and user fair sharing in Rayleigh fading channels, but require careful design for error rate and energy consumption optimisation. This study provides an important reference for more effective implementation of NOMA technology in radio communication systems.


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