Design and Development of Decision Support System Software for Digital Record Creation and Reporting in Transfer Centers

Yunus Karaman

MNG Kargo R&D Center

Gönül Beril Aksu

MNG Kargo R&D Center

Nimet Karagöz

MNG Kargo R&D Center

Esin Çevik

MNG Kargo R&D Center


Keywords: Operasyonel Verimlilik, Gerçek Zamanlı İzleme, Maliyet ve Risk Yönetimi, Doğru sınıflandırma, Makine Öğrenimi


Within the scope of the logistics sector, records kept manually or via Excel for situations such as vehicles, transported goods, cargo and barcodes that do not comply with the procedure in transfer centers cause data loss and reporting difficulties and reduce operational efficiency. This is one of the biggest problems facing the industry. This brief paper discusses the design and development of software that provides digital record creation, storage and reporting in order to prevent this. The digital minutes system developed within the scope of the project automates the functions of vectorizing and classifying minute texts by using text mining and machine learning algorithms. The artificial intelligence-supported classification model was evaluated with accuracy, F1 Score, Sensitivity and Sensitivity metrics, and the system aims to provide a user-friendly decision support software by making fast and accurate classification. The digital record system improves cost and risk management by providing early detection of operational errors, instant reporting and retrospective analysis. 


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