Industrial Fish Classifier with Deep Artificial Neural Network
Mahamat Ahmat Issamadine
Bartin University
Yasemin Erkan
Bartin University
Ersin Alaybeyoğlu
Bartin University
Keywords: Görüntü Sınıflandırma, Akıllı Teknoloji, YOLO, Endüstriyel Uygulamalar
Today, machine learning-based decision support systems play a facilitating role in almost every aspect of life. With the integration of these intelligent systems into industrial production systems, fast and effective production solutions emerge. Today, machine learning-based artificial intelligence technologies mostly offer solutions based on the image processing approach. In this study, a new artificial intelligence model that can effectively classify different fish species is proposed with the YOLO image processing algorithm, a deep artificial neural network based on the image processing approach. A real-time land support solution that can be easily integrated into industrial applications is presented with the model trained with an original fish data set.
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