An Innovative Approach to Mass Measurement of Liquids and Gases in Closed Containers By The Use of Piezo Ceramic Sensor
Merve Nur Gürel
Asis Otomasyon
Savaş Barış
Asis Otomasyon
İlker Değirmencioğlu
Asis Otomasyon
Keywords: Piezoelektrik sensör, yazılım, yükselteç elektronik devre kartı, yüksek geçiren filtre, alçak geçiren filtre, sıvı veya gazların kütle ölçümü
This article focuses on developing an innovative system for the precise and accurate measurement of the masses of liquids and pressurized gases in sealed containers. The system is based on piezoelectric sensors that detect pressure changes and process these signals to determine the mass of the liquid. The pressure changes detected by the piezoelectric sensors are converted into electrical signals, amplified by an amplifier circuit, and transmitted to a processor. The processor analyses these electrical signals utilizing developed algorithms to determine the mass of the liquid. The sensors used operate in a wide frequency band, adapting to different types of liquids and container shapes. Experimental results show that the developed system offers a great advantage, especially in industrial applications as it measures the liquid mass with high accuracy and does not require direct contact with the liquid.
With the developed system, electronic amplifier circuits and digital filtering techniques were used together to minimize signal noise. This way, current voltage gains were increased and measurement accuracy was improved.
This project offers an economical, non-contact, and reliable solution for determining the mass of the measured substance and brings an important innovation, especially in areas such as the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical sectors.
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