Evaluation of the Contributions of Phase Change Materials to Energy Efficiency in Refrigerated Display Cabinets

Orhan Mert Duraner

Kaplanlar Soğutma A.Ş.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.56038/oprd.v5i1.493

Keywords: Açık dikey tip soğutucu teşhir dolapları, faz değiştiren materyaller, buharlaştırıcı, yoğuşturucu


In this study, the performance of open vertical type refrigerated display cabinet was experimentally investigated by using different types of phase change materials (PCM). Said PCM’s were selected from deionized purified water and a water-based material, that is obtained by mixing different compositions in certain mass ratios with suitable melting and freezing temperatures (-1°C/+5°C)  for the application. In addition, by filling the radiator located next to the evaporator at the back of the cooler, the cooled air flow is provided to pass through the external radiators. A similar study was carried out and applied in the display cabinet without PCM, and tested under the same operating conditions to measure and compare the performances of the both systems and components. Test results have shown that up to 7% energy savings and lower product temperatures can be achieved by installing PCM radiators in display cabinets. In addition to these, display cabinet using PCM; This resulted in additional benefits such as product temperatures being stable for a longer period of time during the de-frost period.


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