Electric Motor Selection Criteria for Traction System in Construction Machines

Sertaç Karasoy

Hidromek A.Ş.


Mustafa Burak Can

Hidromek A.Ş.


Fatma Öz

Hidromek A.Ş.


Ferhan Fıçıcı

Hidromek A.Ş.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.56038/oprd.v4i1.471

Keywords: Electric Motor, Traction System, Construction Machines


Recent developments in electric motors in construction machinery and the automotive sector's trend towards electric traction in recent years are among the factors triggering and influencing the shift towards electric traction in construction machinery. There is no doubt that electric construction machinery will be the first choice for urban operations in the future, but many research and development efforts are still ongoing to dominate the market. Electric motors are the most important components of power transmission systems in electric machines. The trend towards increasing power density and efficiency in power transmission systems contributes to different designs and improvements in basic electric motor topologies.

This article provides an insight into the selection of electric motors to be used in power transmission components of electric construction machinery and allows for the comparison of different electric motors.


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