A Framework for In-Car Loading Optimization Problem

Durdane Avcı

Yildiz Technical University

Yaren Özbey

Yildiz Technical University

Yağmur Özen

MNG Kargo Research and Development Center


Yusuf Memiş

MNG Kargo Research and Development Center


DOI: https://doi.org/10.56038/oprd.v3i1.409

Keywords: Cargo transportation, Optimization, Logistics sector, In-vehicle loading optimization


Speed is a crucial evaluation criterion in the cargo transportation industry. The processes carried out during transfers before cargo reaches the destination unit are vital for timely delivery. Time spent at cargo distribution centers should be minimized, the maximum number of packages should be transported in a single action between transfers, and cargo vehicles should be used as accurately and efficiently as possible. Minimizing unused space inside the vehicles and ensuring that vehicles at cargo transfer centers are arranged correctly and efficiently for faster departures and increased cargo capacity are of great importance. In pursuit of this goal, the present research concentrates on optimizing the loading of vehicle interiors. This investigation proposes a method that determines the optimal dimensions of packages to be loaded within the vehicle, with the intention of maximizing the number of cargo packages while minimizing the interior volume used. A preliminary implementation of the suggested approach has been created. This developed prototype application can assist cargo transportation companies in planning their cargo loading and optimizing the utilization of vehicle interiors. The efficacy of the prototype application was evaluated using a representative vehicle loading dataset, and the results demonstrate its success.


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