Design and Development of an Automated Product Categorization Software: AI-Driven Solutions for E-Commerce Platforms

Amirkia Rafiei Oskooei

Yildiz Technical University

Asli Terim

Procat Research and Development Center

Cemal Arık

Procat Research and Development Center

Engin Bıçakçı

Procat Research and Development Center


Keywords: Automatic Product Categorization, E-commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, User Experience


This article outlines the design and development process of an automatic product categorization software intended for use in e-commerce and online marketplace platforms. The project aims to tackle the urgent issue of effectively classifying a wide range of products within digital markets. By utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning methodologies, the software effectively analyzes product descriptions, enabling users to seamlessly incorporate products through automated categorization. The significance of the project is rooted in its ability to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of category hierarchies, automate the process of categorizing, and improve the overall user experience. The main goals involve the process of project planning, data collecting, and preparation. Machine learning models have been built and subsequently incorporated to facilitate the study of product descriptions. Through strict evaluation and optimization processes, a high level of accuracy and efficiency is achieved, resulting in several anticipated benefits. These benefits cover automated product categorization, enhanced user experience, and the potential for online platforms to gain a competitive edge. The key elements of innovation involve AI-driven textual analysis, learning methodologies grounded in data, and the ability to adapt to diverse industry contexts. Precautions and backup strategies are implemented to tackle technical issues, including the selection of machine learning libraries and algorithms, ensuring data quality, and integrating with various platforms. The success criteria encompass the objective of achieving a minimum prediction accuracy rate of 90%, optimizing business efficiency, enhancing user pleasure, and ensuring smooth system functioning. This project is a significant contribution to the field of product categorization inside the digital marketplace, as it provides automation, accuracy, and efficiency, ultimately resulting in an enhanced user experience.


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