The Role and Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Gamification in Education: The Example of Vakıf Participation Bank

Zeynep Erbaşı

Vakıf Participation Bank R&D Center

Büşra Tural

Vakıf Participation Bank R&D Center

İlknur Çoşkuner

Vakıf Participation Bank R&D Center


Keywords: Gamification, Artificial Intelligence, Educational Technologies, Behavioral Psychology


The radical changes brought about by technological advances in education transform and enrich learning experiences by going beyond traditional education methods. Artificial intelligence technologies have the potential to offer personalized educational experiences according to students' individual learning speeds, priorities, and needs. The gamification method makes learning more fun and interesting and increases students' motivation, and gamification components such as competition, cooperation, and reward allow students to learn more deeply. The combined use of artificial intelligence and gamification has the potential to provide students with a more effective, engaging, and personalized educational experience and will continue to shape changes in education in the future. This study aims to examine the role, potential, and effects of artificial intelligence (AI) and gamification, two innovative approaches in education. Through the example of Vakıf Participation Bank, the impact of the gamification method used in performance monitoring and internal communication on the internal communication, behavioral psychology, job performance, and training of the organization's employees is highlighted. With this study, it is thought that the use of gamification methods in internal communication, employee performance management, and training methods will benefit organizations by shedding light on their work in these areas.



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