Advancing E-Commerce Analytics The Development of Intelligent Analytics Software for Enhanced Customer Experience
Amirkia Rafiei Oskooei
Yildiz Technical University
Tahir Enes Adak
Casper Research and Development Center
Keywords: E-commerce, Intelligent Analytics Software, Customer Behavior, Data-driven Insights, Commercial Advantages
In the current era of rapid growth in electronic commerce, it is crucial for organizations to possess an in-depth understanding of client habits in order to effectively optimize their plans. This position paper presents a proposal that centers on the creation of Intelligent Analytics Software designed specifically for Casper, a well-known e-commerce platform that specializes in the selling of electronic devices. The main purpose of the software is to facilitate the real-time monitoring and analysis of users' browsing patterns, utilizing historical navigation data as a basis. The effort arises from the growing necessity to utilize data-driven insights in order to improve client experiences and achieve commercial advantages. The statement above highlights the need for secure and accurate information collecting, rapidly adapting to user behaviors in real-time, and delivering personalized benefits, as well as effectively addressing platform-related challenges. Our research and development efforts involve conducting comprehensive analyses of user navigation, ensuring secure processing of data, and effectively managing behavioral data. The project is notable for its implementation of innovative analytical software that enables real-time tracking of consumer activity, generation of analytical reports, identification of consecutive actions using Sankey diagrams, segmentation analysis, and production of heatmaps. Moreover, the program enhances cross-selling capabilities by monitoring often co-purchased items, so providing a useful asset to the e-commerce platform's repertoire. In addition to expanding the company's understanding of client habits and broadening its range of products, the project also serves to advance national expertise and pursue international academic contributions via research papers. The success criteria include strong benchmarks for clustering and association analysis techniques, emphasizing the dedication to providing fast analytical solutions. The paper offers a comprehensive overview of the project's significance, objectives, methodology, and the urgent need it answers within the field of e-commerce analytics.
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