A Comparative Study of Classification and Clustering Methods for Data Analysis in Digital Transformation and IoT Systems

Turgay Tugay Bilgin

Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi


Süleyman Burak Altınışık

Mert Yazılım


Nihat Aydın Adıgüzel

Mert Yazılım


DOI: https://doi.org/10.56038/oprd.v3i1.280

Keywords: Machine Learning, Classification, Cluster Analysis, Industry 4.0.


This study employs classification and clustering methodologies on datasets derived from digital transformation and Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives within the cable and automotive sectors. The analytical procedures are conducted utilizing the KNIME platform, employing Support Vector Machines (SVM) and K-Means algorithms. The results indicate that SVM exhibits superior accuracy rates compared to K-Means within both industries. The data collection methodology facilitated by the Mert Software IoT platform is identified as reliable and efficacious. The primary objective of this article is to augment decision-making precision in digital transformation software and contribute to the scholarly discourse within this domain.


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