Determination of The Effect of Dyeing and Finishing Processes on Physical, Mechanical, Handle, Comfort and Functional Properties of Cotton Knitted Fabrics
Durul Büşra Dilden
Eren Retail and Textile INC. R&D Center
Muhammed Fatih Yüksel
Eren Retail and Textile INC. R&D Center
Seda Keskin
Eren Retail and Textile INC. R&D Center
Uğur Ergünay
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University
Rıza Atav
Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University
Keywords: Cotton, dyeing, color, functionality, permeability
As it is known, the most widely used dye class for dyeing cotton fabrics is reactive dyes. However, the reactive dyeing process itself and various finishing processes applied after dyeing affects the physical, mechanical, handle, comfort and functional properties of the fabrics. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to determine the dyeing and finishing processes on the quality-performance characteristics of the cotton knitted fabrics. For this aim, physical (weight, wale/course density), mechanical (bursting strength, pilling, abrasion resistance), handle (bending rigidity), comfort (thermal comfort, air permeability, water vapor permeability) and functional (Ultraviolet protective functionality and flame retardancy of the fabrics) properties of fabrics were tested before and after dyeing and finishing processes. Fabric weight and bursting strength values increases after dyeing and finishing processes due to the shrinkage of the fabrics during wet processing. On the other hand, the pilling and abrasion resistance values of fabrics are not significantly affected by dyeing and finishing processes. Another important result obtained is that the bending length and bending stiffness of the fabrics decrease after dyeing/finishing processes. The thickness values of the fabrics decrease after dyeing-finishing processes and therefore the thermal resistance decreases. It was observed that the air permeability of the fabrics significantly decreased after dyeing-finishing processes. However, the water vapor permeability of the fabrics was decreased very slightly after dyeing and finishing processes. UPF ratings were increased after dyeing and finishing processes.
Keywords: Cotton, dyeing, color, functionality, permeability
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