Published: 12.04.2022

Scanning the Issue

Zeki Oralhan

1 - 4

Diagnosis Prediction of Construction Vehicles and Model Explainability Industry 4.0 Implementation

Esra Akca, Semra Erpolat Taşabat, Tayfun Özçay, Nermin Yalçı

5 - 33

Investigation of Physical and Liquid Performance Properties of Feminine Hygiene Pad in Commercially Used

Ebru Çelikten, Kubilay Özden, Mehmet Daşdemir, Tülin Kaya Nacarkahya

34 - 39

Opportunities of on-demand logistics operations

Polina Polina Görbe, Tamás Bódis, Csaba Hencz, Adrián Horváth

40 - 56