Development of an Analytical-Based Campaign and Loyalty Platform for Enhanced Customer Engagement
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This project aims to create a data-driven platform for Koçtaş to improve its marketing strategies by implementing personalized campaigns, refining customer segmentation, and optimizing loyalty programs. The platform brings together customer data from different sources into one place, allowing for a complete understanding of customer behavior. The system uses machine learning and analytics to create specific recommendations, enhance customer engagement, and simplify the management of campaigns. Initial findings show notable advancements in keeping customers, increasing sales, and enhancing operational efficiency. The platform automates marketing tasks, which lessens the need for manual work, improves the accuracy of campaigns, and aids in making decisions in real-time. Additionally, bringing Koçtaş's CRM capabilities in-house has lowered costs and enhanced data quality, ensuring compliance and decreasing dependence on external providers. Future work will focus on enhancing the platform by adding new data sources, using advanced predictive models, and looking into innovative technologies such as augmented reality. This continuous improvement will help the platform adjust to evolving business requirements and support Koçtaş's sustained growth and competitive edge in the retail industry.
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