AI-Based Call Center Management
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Call centers today operate within complex ecosystems where surveillance technology, digitalization, and process automation are pivotal. These advancements enable multi-channel communication, personalized service, and proactive customer support. Unlike traditional models centered solely on phone interactions, modern call centers leverage digital tools to enhance operational efficiency. A significant innovation lies in the application of image processing techniques, including face recognition algorithms. These technologies automate tasks, minimizing human intervention and optimizing workflow. In this context, a proposed artificial intelligence-driven call center management system aims to replicate office environments remotely. It focuses on ensuring high service quality and security through real-time monitoring of representatives. Key features include facial recognition accuracy rates of 99% for detection and 96.88% for recognition. This system distinguishes live faces from photographs using cascade location detection, a novel approach that enhances fraud prevention compared to current methods. Integrating such advanced technologies into call centers marks a transformative step towards efficient, secure, and personalized customer service experiences in the digital age. Only the video call recordings are utilized for all analyses without additional equipment or data sources. Therefore, this easily implementable management system is introduced at a minimal cost.Top of Form
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