Hydrostatic And Hydrodynamic Bearing On Grinding Machine

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Galip Talih
Sani Kandemir
Mehmet Bagcı


In recent years, the demand for hydrostatic bearing application has been increasing due to the possibilities and advantages they offer. Advances in the understanding of hydrostatic lubrication and the improvement of computer technology have opened new avenues for improving hydrostatic bearing performance and precision. This paper reviews the geometry, advantages and disadvantages of hydrostatic bearings, including the hydraulic system. Hydrostatic bearing applications operate using relatively high viscosity oil, but have the potential for extremely low motion errors with high damping, high stiffness and high load capacity. Another important advantage of hydrostatic bearing is the negligible wear of the sliding surfaces, which are completely separated by the oil film. In general, pocket depths of 0.5-5 mm and bearing clearance of 0.001-0.01 mm are preferred in hydrostatic bearings. In hydrodynamically lubricated bearings, the friction efficiency between the spindle and the bearing can be controlled when the spindle shaft starts the rotational movement of the spindle shaft while the spindle shaft passes from the stationary state to the contact state and when the appropriate speed is reached. Therefore, the liquid film thickness in hydrodynamic bearings is at the level of 0.0254 mm. In order for these systems to operate safely and efficiently, the presence of a suitable lubricant is always required. Hydrostatic grinding and hydrodynamic grinding machines were used in the experiments carried out within the scope of this study, and especially the crusher roll with dimensions of 250*1000 mm was used in the experiments. Depending on the use of the grinding machine, the advantages of hydrodynamic bearing and hydrostatic bearing options were compared. In this comparison data, especially the results of how much current these two different bearing applications draw during the operation of the grinding machine and what level of surface roughness they produce are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Talih, G., Kandemir, S., & Bagcı, M. . (2024). Hydrostatic And Hydrodynamic Bearing On Grinding Machine. The European Journal of Research and Development, 4(4), 188–203. https://doi.org/10.56038/ejrnd.v4i4.542


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