Modeling of Forklift Drivetrain and Test Verification of Fuel Consumption

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Orkan Buran
Ali Can Tellioğlu
Mustafa Demir
Hüseyin Samet Kartal


Fuel consumption values of all used vehicles, whether they are construction machines or stacking machines, need to be calculated or convergently determined at the drafting stage. In this study, all parameters affecting the fuel consumption of a forklift truck are modeled in a computer environment and then this forklift truck is tested according to the fuel consumption part of VDI 2198 and the model and test data are compared. As a result of this study, we will have a fuel consumption model validated with test data and we will know the fuel consumption value without the need for testing in future forklift operations.


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How to Cite
Buran, O., Tellioğlu, A. C. ., Demir, M., & Kartal, H. S. (2024). Modeling of Forklift Drivetrain and Test Verification of Fuel Consumption . The European Journal of Research and Development, 4(4), 127–164.


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