Sustainability and Innovative Solutions in the Financial Sector: The Success of Vakıf Participation Bank

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Zeynep Örpek
Büşra Tural
İlknur Çoşkuner
Zeynep Destan


Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in todays world to maintain environmental, social, and economic balances. Climate change, depletion of natural resources, and increasing social expectations necessitate the adoption of sustainability-oriented approaches in finance and banking, as in all sectors. Banks are not only financial service providers, but also strategic actors that support sustainable development. In this context, effective use of natural resources, digitalization, and environmentally friendly practices offer long-term benefits to both society and the sector. Innovative approaches of banks in sustainability studies play a critical role in reducing carbon footprint, increasing operational efficiency, and improving customer experience. In this study, a general framework for sustainable banking practices is presented and detailed with the Mobile Approval System project developed by Vakıf Participation Bank. The system in question contributes to sustainability by significantly reducing paper consumption by integrating technology into sustainability, minimizing resource use, and increasing operational efficiency. This innovative project of Vakıf Participation Bank presents the relationship between sustainability and digital transformation as a concrete success story.


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How to Cite
Örpek, Z., Tural, B. ., Çoşkuner, İlknur, & Destan, Z. (2024). Sustainability and Innovative Solutions in the Financial Sector: The Success of Vakıf Participation Bank. The European Journal of Research and Development, 4(4), 110–117.


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