Investigation of Physical and Liquid Performance Properties of Feminine Hygiene Pad in Commercially Used
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Globally, the rate of use of disposable personal care products is increasing day by day. In general, one of the most important disposable personal care items is the feminine hygiene pad for all women. Feminine sanitary pads have some basic properties. These are; liquid absorption, preventing leakage, odor control, feeling comfortable, etc. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the physical and performance properties of commercially used feminine hygiene pads. For this purpose, the layers of 7 different feminine hygiene pads were analyzed by separating them from each other. And also, liquid performance tests were carried out as pads. According to the obtained test results, feminine sanitary napkins have different construction such as production technology of layers and raw material. Therefore, the thickness and weight of the pads are shown variability. In addition, it has been determined that these variations significantly affect the liquid performance properties of the pads.
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