Raising Social Awareness for Disaster Preparedness and Learning Its Sustainability Through the Production and Sale of Earth Sciences-Based Products and Their Contribution to the Economy

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Sevda Özel


The present study aimed to prepare various tables in line with sustainability goals in disaster preparedness and social awareness and present recommendations for different product varieties, product design characteristics, and promotion and sale of these products on the basis of earth sciences. Disaster type diversity, target groups, and Türkiye’s regional differences were taken into account when preparing tables. The geological, geographical, meteorological, topographical, urbanization and settlement type characteristics and diversity of seven regions of Türkiye's geography were emphasized. The importance of product development and sales according to the target group and regional characteristics was expressed with the diversity of disaster types and all characteristics of the regions. The possibility for society to access scientific knowledge through simpler, faster, and more sustainable forms of education and learning, through product production and sales, was presented as an approach in disaster preparedness. It was also thought that it could be internationally accepted in this way, guide international studies, and provide support to internationally recognized NGOs and foundations as a social project. Furthermore, it was estimated that contributions could be made to the country’s economy, promotion, tourism, and employment. Therefore, the recommendations in this article can significantly benefit society in terms of both sustainability and contributions.


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Özel, S. (2023). Raising Social Awareness for Disaster Preparedness and Learning Its Sustainability Through the Production and Sale of Earth Sciences-Based Products and Their Contribution to the Economy. The European Journal of Research and Development, 3(4), 145–160. https://doi.org/10.56038/ejrnd.v3i4.390


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