IoT security with blockchain: A review

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Arafat Şentürk
Selami Terazi


The relationship between the Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain has emerged to address the challenges of security, data integrity and transparency of IoT devices. Blockchain, with its distributed and decentralized nature, ensures reliable data transmission between IoT devices and security by preventing data manipulation. It also enhances the security and transparency of IoT applications by supporting automated and trusted transactions through smart contracts. In this context, Blockchain plays a critical role in making the IoT ecosystem more reliable and effective. In this study, we review studies that emphasize the importance of Blockchain technology for IoT security and propose various solutions. The proposed solutions include scalable frameworks for secure transactions in dynamic applications, Hyperledger Sawtooth-based frameworks that support secure logging of industrial activities, specialized access control mechanisms such as Trust-Based Access Control Mechanism (TABI), and IoT Cop monitoring framework that offers advanced security features. In addition, blockchain-based access control protocols, authentication systems and security models are aimed at enhancing IoT security. While most of the studies in the literature focus on the current challenges of IoT and Blockchain integration, they also reveal future research opportunities. These studies are briefly mentioned and the necessary ones are expressed in a table. In this way, it is aimed to create the necessary infrastructure for those who will work in this field.


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How to Cite
Şentürk, A., & Terazi, S. (2023). IoT security with blockchain: A review. The European Journal of Research and Development, 3(4), 117–132.


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